Source code for now.thirdparty.PyInquirer.prompts.common

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
common prompt functionality
from prompt_toolkit.mouse_events import MouseEventType
from prompt_toolkit.styles import Style
from prompt_toolkit.validation import ValidationError, Validator

[docs]def if_mousedown(handler): def handle_if_mouse_down(mouse_event): if mouse_event.event_type == MouseEventType.MOUSE_DOWN: return handler(mouse_event) else: return NotImplemented return handle_if_mouse_down
# TODO probably better to use base.Condition
[docs]def setup_validator(kwargs): # this is an internal helper not meant for public consumption! # note this works on a dictionary validate_prompt = kwargs.pop('validate', None) if validate_prompt: if issubclass(validate_prompt, Validator): kwargs['validator'] = validate_prompt() elif callable(validate_prompt): class _InputValidator(Validator): def validate(self, document): # print('validation!!') verdict = validate_prompt(document.text) if isinstance(verdict, str): raise ValidationError( message=verdict, cursor_position=len(document.text) ) elif verdict is not True: raise ValidationError( message='invalid input', cursor_position=len(document.text) ) kwargs['validator'] = _InputValidator() return kwargs['validator']
[docs]def setup_simple_validator(kwargs): # this is an internal helper not meant for public consumption! # note this works on a dictionary # this validates the answer not a buffer # TODO # not sure yet how to deal with the validation result: # validate = kwargs.pop('validate', None) if validate is None: def _always(answer): return True return _always elif not callable(validate): raise ValueError('Here a simple validate function is expected, no class') def _validator(answer): verdict = validate(answer) if isinstance(verdict, str): raise ValidationError(message=verdict) elif verdict is not True: raise ValidationError(message='invalid input') return _validator
# FIXME style defaults on detail level default_style = Style.from_dict( { 'separator': '#6C6C6C', 'questionmark': '#5F819D', 'selected': '', # default 'pointer': '#FF9D00 bold', # AWS orange 'instruction': '', # default 'answer': '#FF9D00 bold', # AWS orange 'question': 'bold', } )