Source code for now.thirdparty.PyInquirer.prompt

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from contextlib import contextmanager

from prompt_toolkit.application import Application
from prompt_toolkit.patch_stdout import patch_stdout as pt_patch_stdout
from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts import PromptSession

from . import PromptParameterException, prompts
from .prompts import checkbox, confirm, editor, expand, input, list, password, rawlist

[docs]def prompt(questions, answers=None, **kwargs): from . import prompts if isinstance(questions, dict): questions = [questions] answers = answers or {} patch_stdout = kwargs.pop('patch_stdout', False) return_asyncio_coroutine = kwargs.pop('return_asyncio_coroutine', False) true_color = kwargs.pop('true_color', False) refresh_interval = kwargs.pop('refresh_interval', 0) kbi_msg = kwargs.pop('keyboard_interrupt_msg', 'Cancelled by user') raise_kbi = kwargs.pop('raise_keyboard_interrupt', False) for question in questions: # import the question if 'type' not in question: raise PromptParameterException('type') if 'name' not in question: raise PromptParameterException('name') if 'message' not in question: raise PromptParameterException('message') try: choices = question.get('choices') if choices is not None and callable(choices): question['choices'] = choices(answers) _kwargs = {} _kwargs.update(kwargs) _kwargs.update(question) type_ = _kwargs.pop('type') name = _kwargs.pop('name') message = _kwargs.pop('message') when = _kwargs.pop('when', None) filter = _kwargs.pop('filter', None) if when: # at least a little sanity check! if callable(question['when']): try: if not question['when'](answers): continue except Exception as e: raise ValueError( 'Problem in \'when\' check of %s question: %s' % (name, e) ) else: raise ValueError( '\'when\' needs to be function that ' 'accepts a dict argument' ) if filter: # at least a little sanity check! if not callable(question['filter']): raise ValueError( '\'filter\' needs to be function that ' 'accepts an argument' ) if callable(question.get('default')): _kwargs['default'] = question['default'](answers) with pt_patch_stdout() if patch_stdout else _dummy_context_manager(): result = getattr(prompts, type_).question(message, **_kwargs) if isinstance(result, PromptSession): answer = result.prompt() elif isinstance(result, Application): answer = else: # assert isinstance(answer, str) answer = result # answer = # return_asyncio_coroutine=return_asyncio_coroutine, # true_color=true_color, # refresh_interval=refresh_interval) if answer is not None: if filter: try: answer = question['filter'](answer) except Exception as e: raise ValueError( 'Problem processing \'filter\' of %s question: %s' % (name, e) ) answers[name] = answer except AttributeError as e: print(e) raise ValueError('No question type \'%s\'' % type_) except KeyboardInterrupt as exc: if raise_kbi: raise exc from None if kbi_msg: print('') print(kbi_msg) print('') return {} return answers
@contextmanager def _dummy_context_manager(): yield # TODO: # Bottom Bar - inquirer.ui.BottomBar