Source code for now.thirdparty.PyInquirer.prompts.list

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
`list` type question
from prompt_toolkit.application import Application, get_app
from prompt_toolkit.filters import IsDone
from prompt_toolkit.key_binding import KeyBindings
from prompt_toolkit.layout import Layout
from prompt_toolkit.layout.containers import ConditionalContainer, HSplit, Window
from prompt_toolkit.layout.controls import FormattedTextControl
from prompt_toolkit.layout.dimension import LayoutDimension as D

from ..separator import Separator
from . import PromptParameterException
from .common import default_style, if_mousedown

# custom control based on FormattedTextControl
# docu here:

[docs]class InquirerControl(FormattedTextControl): def __init__(self, choices, default, **kwargs): self.selected_option_index = 0 self.answered = False self.choices = choices self._init_choices(choices, default) super().__init__(self._get_choice_tokens, **kwargs) def _init_choices(self, choices, default): # helper to convert from question format to internal format self.choices = [] # list (name, value, disabled) searching_first_choice = True for i, c in enumerate(choices): if isinstance(c, Separator): self.choices.append((c, None, None)) else: if isinstance(c, str): self.choices.append((c, c, None)) else: name = c.get('name') value = c.get('value', name) disabled = c.get('disabled', None) self.choices.append((name, value, disabled)) if value == default: self.selected_option_index = i searching_first_choice = False if searching_first_choice: self.selected_option_index = i # found the first choice searching_first_choice = False if default and (default == i or default == c): self.selected_option_index = i # default choice exists searching_first_choice = False @property def choice_count(self): return len(self.choices) def _get_choice_tokens(self): tokens = [] def append(index, choice): selected = index == self.selected_option_index @if_mousedown def select_item(mouse_event): # bind option with this index to mouse event self.selected_option_index = index self.answered = True get_app().exit(result=self.get_selection()[0]) if isinstance(choice[0], Separator): tokens.append(('class:separator', ' %s\n' % choice[0])) else: tokens.append( ( 'class:pointer' if selected else '', ' \u276f ' if selected else ' ', ) ) if selected: tokens.append(('[SetCursorPosition]', '')) if choice[2]: # disabled tokens.append( ( 'class:Selected' if selected else '', '- %s (%s)' % (choice[0], choice[2]), ) ) else: try: tokens.append( ( 'class:Selected' if selected else '', str(choice[0]), select_item, ) ) except: tokens.append( ( 'class:Selected' if selected else '', choice[0], select_item, ) ) tokens.append(('', '\n')) # prepare the select choices for i, choice in enumerate(self.choices): append(i, choice) tokens.pop() # Remove last newline. return tokens
[docs] def get_selection(self): return self.choices[self.selected_option_index]
[docs]def question(message, **kwargs): # TODO disabled, dict choices if not 'choices' in kwargs: raise PromptParameterException('choices') choices = kwargs.pop('choices', None) default = kwargs.pop('default', None) qmark = kwargs.pop('qmark', '?') # TODO style defaults on detail level style = kwargs.pop('style', default_style) ic = InquirerControl(choices, default=default) def get_prompt_tokens(): tokens = [] tokens.append(('class:questionmark', qmark)) tokens.append(('class:question', ' %s ' % message)) if ic.answered: tokens.append(('class:answer', ' ' + ic.get_selection()[0])) else: tokens.append(('class:instruction', ' (Use arrow keys)')) return tokens # assemble layout layout = HSplit( [ Window(height=D.exact(1), content=FormattedTextControl(get_prompt_tokens)), ConditionalContainer(Window(ic), filter=~IsDone()), ] ) # key bindings kb = KeyBindings() @kb.add('c-q', eager=True) @kb.add('c-c', eager=True) def _(event): raise KeyboardInterrupt() # @kb.add('down', eager=True) def move_cursor_down(event): def _next(): ic.selected_option_index = (ic.selected_option_index + 1) % ic.choice_count _next() while ( isinstance(ic.choices[ic.selected_option_index][0], Separator) or ic.choices[ic.selected_option_index][2] ): _next() @kb.add('up', eager=True) def move_cursor_up(event): def _prev(): ic.selected_option_index = (ic.selected_option_index - 1) % ic.choice_count _prev() while ( isinstance(ic.choices[ic.selected_option_index][0], Separator) or ic.choices[ic.selected_option_index][2] ): _prev() @kb.add('enter', eager=True) def set_answer(event): ic.answered = True[1]) return Application( layout=Layout(layout), key_bindings=kb, mouse_support=False, style=style )