Source code for now.dialog

This module implements a command-line dialog with the user.
Its goal is to configure a UserInput object with users specifications.
Optionally, values can be passed from the command-line when jina-now is launched. In that case,
the dialog won't ask for the value.
from __future__ import annotations, print_function, unicode_literals

import inspect
import pathlib
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

from pyfiglet import Figlet

from now.common import options
from now.common.options import construct_app
from now.constants import MODALITY_TO_MODELS, Apps, DialogStatus
from now.now_dataclasses import DialogOptions, UserInput
from now.thirdparty.PyInquirer.prompt import prompt
from now.utils.errors.helpers import DemoAvailableException, RetryException

cur_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve()

[docs]def configure_user_input(**kwargs) -> UserInput: user_input = UserInput() print_headline() # Create the search app. # TODO: refactor this when more apps are added user_input.app_instance = construct_app(Apps.SEARCH_APP) # Ask the options for option in options.base_options + user_input.app_instance.options: if configure_option(option, user_input, **kwargs) == DialogStatus.BREAK: break return user_input
[docs]def configure_option( option: DialogOptions, user_input: UserInput, **kwargs ) -> DialogStatus: # Check if it is dynamic. If it is then spawn multiple dialogs for each option and return with continue if option.dynamic_func: if in kwargs: # Expand dynamic options from parent option, expect a dict (supports only model_selection) expand_options_from_parent(kwargs, option, user_input) for result in option.dynamic_func(user_input): configure_option(result, user_input, **kwargs) return DialogStatus.CONTINUE # Check if it is dependent on some other dialog options if option.depends_on and not option.conditional_check(user_input): return DialogStatus.SKIP # Populate choices if needed if option.choices and inspect.isfunction(option.choices): option.choices = option.choices(user_input, **kwargs) while True: val = prompt_value( **option.__dict__, **kwargs, ) if val: kwargs[] = val if hasattr(user_input, setattr(user_input,, val) try: # If there is any post function then invoke that if inspect.isfunction(option.post_func): option.post_func(user_input, **kwargs) except RetryException as e: print(e) continue except DemoAvailableException: return DialogStatus.BREAK break return DialogStatus.CONTINUE
[docs]def expand_options_from_parent(kwargs, option, user_input): for user_selection in kwargs[].split(","): if ":" in user_selection: option_name, option_values = user_selection.split(":") kwargs[f"{option_name}_model"] = [] if not option_name in user_input.index_field_candidates_to_modalities: raise ValueError( f"Error with --{}: `{option_name}` is not an index field." ) for option_value in option_values.split("+"): model_selection = [ model for model in MODALITY_TO_MODELS[ user_input.index_field_candidates_to_modalities[option_name] ] if model["name"] == option_value ] if model_selection: kwargs[f"{option_name}_model"].append(model_selection[0]["value"]) else: model_choices = [ model["name"] for model in MODALITY_TO_MODELS[ user_input.index_field_candidates_to_modalities[option_name] ] ] raise ValueError( f"Error with --{}: `{option_value}` is not available. " f"for index field `{option_name}`. Choices are: {','.join(model_choices)}." )
[docs]def prompt_value( name: str, prompt_message: str, prompt_type: str = 'input', choices: Optional[List[Union[Dict, str]]] = None, **kwargs: Dict, ): qs = {'name': name, 'type': prompt_type, 'message': prompt_message} if choices is not None: qs['choices'] = choices return maybe_prompt_user(qs, name, **kwargs)
[docs]def maybe_prompt_user(questions, attribute, **kwargs): """ Checks the `kwargs` for the `attribute` name. If present, the value is returned directly. If not, the user is prompted via the cmd-line using the `questions` argument. :param questions: A dictionary that is passed to `PyInquirer.prompt` See docs: :param attribute: Name of the value to get. Make sure this matches the name in `kwargs` :return: A single value of either from `kwargs` or the user cli input. """ if kwargs and attribute in kwargs: return kwargs[attribute] else: answer = prompt(questions) return answer[attribute]