Source code for now.common.detect_schema

import itertools
import json
import os
from typing import Dict, List

import requests

from now.constants import (
from now.data_loading.elasticsearch import ElasticsearchConnector
from now.now_dataclasses import UserInput
from now.utils.common.helpers import flatten_dict
from now.utils.docarray.helpers import (
from now.utils.errors.helpers import RetryException

[docs]def get_field_type(field_value): split = field_value.split('.') # if there is a file_ending and it is among the known file types if len(split) > 1 and split[-1] in FILETYPE_TO_MODALITY: return split[-1] else: return 'txt'
def _create_candidate_index_filter_fields(field_name_to_value): """ Creates candidate index fields from the field_names for s3 and local file path. A candidate index field is a field that we can detect its modality A candidate filter field is a field that we can't detect its modality, or it's modality is different from image, video or audio. :param field_name_to_value: dictionary """ index_field_candidates_to_modalities = {} filter_field_candidates_to_modalities = {} not_available_file_types_for_filter = list( itertools.chain( *[ SUPPORTED_FILE_TYPES[modality] for modality in NOT_AVAILABLE_MODALITIES_FOR_FILTER ] ) ) for field_name, field_value in field_name_to_value.items(): # we determine search modality file_type = get_field_type(field_value) index_field_candidates_to_modalities[field_name] = FILETYPE_TO_MODALITY[ file_type ] # we determine if it's a filter field if ( field_name == 'uri' and field_value.split('.')[-1] not in not_available_file_types_for_filter ) or field_name.split('.')[-1] not in not_available_file_types_for_filter: filter_field_candidates_to_modalities[ field_name ] = field_value.__class__.__name__ if len(index_field_candidates_to_modalities.keys()) == 0: raise ValueError( 'No searchable fields found, please check documentation' ) return index_field_candidates_to_modalities, filter_field_candidates_to_modalities
[docs]def get_first_file_in_folder_structure_s3(bucket, folder_prefix): try: # gets the first file in an s3 bucket, index 0 is reserved for the root folder name first_file = list(bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=folder_prefix).limit(2))[1].key i = 2 while first_file.split('/')[-1].startswith('.'): first_file = list(bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=folder_prefix).limit(i + 1))[ i ].key i += 1 except Exception as e: raise Exception(f'Empty folder, data is missing.') return first_file
def _extract_field_candidates_docarray(response): """ Downloads the first document in the document array and extracts field names from it if tags also exists then it extracts the keys from tags and adds to the field_names """ search_modalities = {} filter_modalities = {} doc = requests.get(response.json()['data']['download']).json() if ( not doc.get('_metadata', None) or 'multi_modal_schema' not in doc['_metadata']['fields'] ): raise RuntimeError( 'Multi-modal schema is not provided. Please prepare your data following this guide - ' '' ) mm_schema = doc['_metadata']['fields']['multi_modal_schema'] mm_fields = mm_schema['structValue']['fields'] for field_name, value in mm_fields.items(): if 'position' not in value['structValue']['fields']: raise ValueError( f'No modality found for the dataclass field: `{field_name}`. Please follow the steps in the ' f'documentation to add modalities to your documents' ) field_pos = value['structValue']['fields']['position']['numberValue'] if not doc['chunks'][field_pos]['modality']: raise ValueError( f'No modality found for {field_name}. Please follow the steps in the documentation' f' to add modalities to your documents' ) modality = doc['chunks'][field_pos]['modality'].lower() docarray_type = modality_string_to_docarray_typing(modality) if docarray_type in AVAILABLE_MODALITIES_FOR_SEARCH: search_modalities[field_name] = docarray_type else: raise ValueError( f'The modality {modality} is not supported for search. Please use one of the following modalities: ' f'{map(docarray_typing_to_modality_string, AVAILABLE_MODALITIES_FOR_SEARCH)}' ) if docarray_type in AVAILABLE_MODALITIES_FOR_FILTER: filter_modalities[field_name] = modality if doc.get('tags', None): for el, value in doc['tags']['fields'].items(): for val_type, val in value.items(): filter_modalities[el] = val_type if len(search_modalities.keys()) == 0: raise ValueError( 'No searchable fields found, please check documentation' ) return search_modalities, filter_modalities
[docs]def set_field_names_from_docarray(user_input: UserInput, **kwargs): """ Get the schema from a DocArray :param user_input: UserInput object Makes a request to hubble API and downloads the first 10 documents from the document array and uses the first document to get the schema and sets field_names in user_input """ if not user_input.dataset_name: raise RetryException('Please retry') cookies = { 'st': user_input.jwt['token'], } dataset_name = ( user_input.admin_name + '/' + user_input.dataset_name if '/' not in user_input.dataset_name else user_input.dataset_name, ) json_data = { 'name': dataset_name, } response = '', cookies=cookies, json=json_data, ) if response.json()['code'] == 200: ( user_input.index_field_candidates_to_modalities, user_input.filter_field_candidates_to_modalities, ) = _extract_field_candidates_docarray(response) else: raise ValueError( 'DocumentArray does not exist or you do not have access to it. ' 'Make sure to add user name as a prefix. Check documentation here. ' '' )
def _extract_field_names_single_folder( file_paths: List[str], separator: str ) -> Dict[str, str]: """This function extracts the file endings in a single folder and returns them as field names. It works with a local file structure or a remote file structure. :param file_paths: list of relative file paths from data set path :param separator: separator used in the file paths :return: list of file endings """ file_endings = set( ['.' + path.split(separator)[-1].split('.')[-1] for path in file_paths] ) return {file_ending: file_ending for file_ending in file_endings} def _extract_field_names_sub_folders( file_paths: List[str], separator: str, s3_bucket=None ) -> Dict[str, str]: """This function extracts the files in sub folders and returns them as field names. Also, it reads json files and adds them as key-value pairs to the field names dictionary. It works with a local file structure or a remote file structure. :param file_paths: list of relative file paths from data set path :param separator: separator used in the file paths :param s3_bucket: s3 bucket object, only needed if interacting with s3 bucket :return: list of file endings """ fields_dict = {} for path in file_paths: if path.endswith('.json'): if s3_bucket: data = json.loads(s3_bucket.Object(path).get()['Body'].read()) else: with open(path) as f: data = json.load(f) for el, value in data.items(): fields_dict[el] = value flattened_dict = flatten_dict(data) fields_dict.update(flattened_dict) else: file_name = path.split(separator)[-1] fields_dict[file_name] = file_name return fields_dict
[docs]def get_s3_file_paths(objects): return [ obj.key for obj in objects if not obj.key.endswith('/') and not obj.key.split('/')[-1].startswith('.') ]
[docs]def set_field_names_from_s3_bucket(user_input: UserInput, **kwargs): """ Get the schema from a S3 bucket :param user_input: UserInput object checks if the bucket exists and the format of the folder structure is correct, if yes then downloads the first folder and sets its content as fields_dict in user_input """ bucket, folder_prefix = get_s3_bucket_and_folder_prefix(user_input) # user has to provide the folder where folder structure begins first_file = get_first_file_in_folder_structure_s3(bucket, folder_prefix) structure_identifier = first_file[len(folder_prefix) :].split('/') folder_structure = ( 'sub_folders' if len(structure_identifier) > 1 else 'single_folder' ) if folder_structure == 'single_folder': objects = list(bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=folder_prefix).limit(100)) first_folder_objects = get_s3_file_paths(objects) fields_dict = _extract_field_names_single_folder(first_folder_objects, '/') elif folder_structure == 'sub_folders': first_folder = '/'.join(first_file.split('/')[:-1]) objects = bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=first_folder) first_folder_objects = get_s3_file_paths(objects) fields_dict = _extract_field_names_sub_folders( first_folder_objects, '/', bucket ) fields_dict_cleaned = { field_key: field_value for field_key, field_value in fields_dict.items() if not isinstance(field_value, list) and not isinstance(field_value, dict) } ( user_input.index_field_candidates_to_modalities, user_input.filter_field_candidates_to_modalities, ) = _create_candidate_index_filter_fields(fields_dict_cleaned)
[docs]def set_field_names_from_local_folder(user_input: UserInput, **kwargs): """ Get the schema from a local folder :param user_input: UserInput object checks if the folder exists and the format of the folder structure is correct, if yes set the content of the first folder as field_names in user_input """ dataset_path = user_input.dataset_path.strip() dataset_path = os.path.expanduser(dataset_path) if os.path.isfile(dataset_path): raise ValueError( 'The path provided is not a folder, please check documentation' ) file_paths = [] folder_generator = os.walk(dataset_path, topdown=True) current_level = folder_generator.__next__() # check if the first level contains any folders folder_structure = 'sub_folders' if len(current_level[1]) > 0 else 'single_folder' if folder_structure == 'single_folder': file_paths.extend( [ os.path.join(dataset_path, file) for file in current_level[2] if not file.startswith('.') ] ) fields_dict = _extract_field_names_single_folder(file_paths, os.sep) elif folder_structure == 'sub_folders': # depth-first search of the first nested folder containing files while len(current_level[1]) > 0: current_level = folder_generator.__next__() first_folder = current_level[0] first_folder_files = [ os.path.join(first_folder, file) for file in os.listdir(first_folder) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(first_folder, file)) and not file.startswith('.') ] fields_dict = _extract_field_names_sub_folders(first_folder_files, os.sep) fields_dict_cleaned = { field_key: field_value for field_key, field_value in fields_dict.items() if not isinstance(field_value, list) and not isinstance(field_value, dict) } ( user_input.index_field_candidates_to_modalities, user_input.filter_field_candidates_to_modalities, ) = _create_candidate_index_filter_fields(fields_dict_cleaned)
[docs]def set_field_names_elasticsearch(user_input: UserInput, **kwargs): """ Get the schema from an Elasticsearch instance :param user_input: UserInput object checks if the Elasticsearch instance exists and grabs the first document from the index, the first document is then used to create modalities dicts for index and filter fields """ with ElasticsearchConnector( connection_str=user_input.es_host_name, ) as es_connector: query = { 'query': {'match_all': {}}, '_source': True, } first_docs = list( es_connector.get_documents_by_query( query=query, index_name=user_input.es_index_name, page_size=1 ) )[ 0 ] # get one document fields_dict = first_docs[0] fields_dict_cleaned = { field_key: field_value for field_key, field_value in fields_dict.items() if not isinstance(field_value, list) and not isinstance(field_value, dict) } ( user_input.index_field_candidates_to_modalities, user_input.filter_field_candidates_to_modalities, ) = _create_candidate_index_filter_fields(fields_dict_cleaned)
[docs]def get_s3_bucket_and_folder_prefix(user_input: UserInput): """ Gets the s3 bucket and folder prefix from the user input. :param user_input: The user input :return: The s3 bucket and folder prefix """ import boto3.session s3_uri = user_input.dataset_path if not s3_uri.startswith('s3://'): raise ValueError( f"Can't process S3 URI {s3_uri} as it assumes it starts with: 's3://'" ) bucket = s3_uri.split('/')[2] folder_prefix = '/'.join(s3_uri.split('/')[3:]) session = boto3.session.Session( aws_access_key_id=user_input.aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=user_input.aws_secret_access_key, ) bucket = session.resource('s3').Bucket(bucket) return bucket, folder_prefix